V50の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全322ページ 8.57MB]
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10 Infotainment systemBluetooth handsfree* 10280* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.NOTEWith certain mobile phones the connectionis terminated when the privacy function isused. This is normal. The handsfree functionasks if you want to reconnect.•Phone book – searching in the phonebook.NOTEA new call cannot be started during anongoing call.Audio settingsCall volumeCall volume can be adjusted during calls. Usethe steering wheel keypad.Audio system volumeIn phone mode ( PHONE ) the audio system vol-ume can be adjusted as usual with VOLUME.The audio source can be automatically mutedfor incoming calls under Phone Menu…Phone settings… Sounds and volume…Mute radio.Ring volumeGo to Phone Menu… Phone settings…Sounds and volume… Ring volumeand adjust with / on the navigation but-ton.Ring signalsThe handsfree function has integrated ring sig-nals that can be selected under PhoneMenu…Phone settings… Sounds andvolume…Ring signals… Ring signal 1etc.NOTEThe connected mobile phone's ring signal isnot deactivated when one of the handsfreesystem's integrated signals is used.In order to select the connected phone's ringsignal2, go to Phone Menu… Phonesettings…Sounds and volume… Ringsignals…Use mobile phone signal .More on registering and connectingA maximum of three mobile phones can beregistered. Registration is performed once perphone. After registration the mobile phone is inthe list of added phones. Not more than onemobile phone can be connected at a time.Phones can be deregistered under PhoneMenu…Bluetooth… Remove phone.Automatic connectionWhen the handsfree function is active and thelast mobile phone connected is in range it isconnected automatically. When the audio sys-tem searches for the last phone connected itsname is shown in the display. To change overto manual connection of another phone, pressEXIT.Manual connectionIf you want to connect a mobile phone otherthan the last connected or change the con-nected mobile phone, proceed as follows:Set the audio system in phone mode(PHONE ) and follow the instructions on thedisplay or change the connected mobile phoneby using the menu system as described below.The menu structure is available in two variantsdepending on whether the car only has2Not supported by all mobile phones.
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