V50の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全322ページ 8.57MB]
http://esd.volvocars.com/.../V50_owners%20manual_MY12_EN_tp14033.pdf - 8.57MB
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10 Infotainment system Radio functions10263Enhanced Other Networks – EONThe EON function is especially useful in urbanareas with many regional radio stations. Itallows the distance between the car and theradio station transmitter to determine whenprogramme functions should interrupt the cur-rent audio source.•Local – interrupts only if the radio stationtransmitter is close.•Distant – interrupts if the station transmit-ter is far away, even if there is a lot of static.•Off – no interruption for programmes fromother transmitters.Activating/deactivating EON1.Press MENU and then ENTER.2.Scroll to Advanced radio settings… andpress ENTER.3.Scroll to EON… and press ENTER.4.Scroll to Local , Distant or Off and pressENTER.Resetting RDS functionsResets all radio settings to the original factorysettings.1.Press MENU and then ENTER.2.Scroll to Advanced radio settings… andpress ENTER.3.Scroll to Reset all… and press ENTER.Volume control, programme typesThe interrupting programme types are heard atthe volume selected for each programme type.If the volume level is adjusted during the pro-gramme interruption, the new level is saveduntil the next programme interruption.
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