SAFFIRE LEの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全32ページ 1.17MB]
gizport - 2013-09-15 - 1.17MB
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32page / 1.17MB
nCompressionThe Saffire Compressor plug-in is modelled on the legendary Focusrite hardware devices, with individuallytuned optos to help create the sound of vintage 1960s compression. The plug-in can be used to squash thedynamics of a sound in varying degrees, e.g. remove the sudden loud bursts, so that the overall level canthen be turned up tomakethe signal as loud as possible. A compressor essentially acts like an automaticvolume control, turning down the volume of a signal if it gets too loud. This reduces variation between loudand quiet passages, as it automaticallyreduces the gain when the signal e xceeds a given volume, defined as the threshold. Using the Saffir eCompressor helps toÔeven out' a performance, stopping a signal fromclipping and/or disappearing in the mix, and can also give it a whole new sonic character. The Compressor window functions in two modes, template mode and advanced mode. When the window is first launched, the Compressor will be switched off and set flat in template mode. To switch to advancedmode, simply press the mode button on the right of the Compressor window just to the left of the OUT fader(as shown in the diagram) that alternates between the two modes. The LED button on the leftactivates/bypasses the Compressor from within the plug-in window. Two faders at either end control the gain of the signal before and after compression.In advanced mode, the full range of standard compressor controls are available. The first dial to set is thethreshold (THRESHevel at which compression begins. The lower this value is set, the more of the signal will be compressed as the audio will compress when the threshold is reached. Rotate the THRESH dial anticlockwise to lower the threshold and so increase the compression. Set the RATIO next, as this determines how much the signal is reduced by when it exceeds the threshold. For example, a ratio of 10:1 means that when the level of the uncompressed signal exceeds the threshold by10dB, the compressed signal will only increase by 1dB. The higher the ratio therefore (the further the dial isCompressor On/Off switch(illuminated when active);use to bypass CompressorTemplate select sliderDefines the amountofcompression intemplate modeCompressor ModeSelect; choosebetween Advancedand Template ModeFader and Meter to adjustthe level of the signal atthe Compressor OutputMeter shows theamount of gainreduction caused bythe compressorDial sets theMakeup Gain ofthe compressorDial sets theRelease time ofthecompressorDial sets theAttack time ofthe compressorDial sets theRatio of thecompressorDial sets theThreshold of thecompressorFader and Meter toadjust the level ofthe signal at thecompressor inputButtons allowcopying and pastingof settings to andfrom other Saffirecompressors
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