SAFFIRE LEの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全32ページ 1.17MB]
gizport - 2013-09-15 - 1.17MB
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32page / 1.17MB
nAmp SimThe Amp Sim plug-in is designed to allow high quality tracking of guitar parts without the need for a whole host of physical amplifiers. The Amp Sim window has an LED button on the left to activate/bypass the amp simulation. When the window is first launched, the button will be illuminated to show that the plug-in is active; click the button to bypassas required. A slider is featured to allow different classic amplifier simulations to be selected. Simply click on an area of the slider toselect an amplifier, the slider will jump to whatever area is clicked.Four dials are included to allow control over the amp's settings. The first is DRIVE, which increases the levelof distortion when rotated clockwise. The next three are for adjusting the EQ of the amp sim; rotating thedials clockwise increases the gain of the L OW, MID and HIGH frequency bands respectively from left to right.The levels of all dials are indicated by the blue surrounding lines, with precise numerical values shown whilerotating or while the mouse cursor passes each dial.Two buttons in the bottom right of the Amp Sim window allow copying and pasting of Amp Sim settings toand from other intances of the SaffireAmp Sim.Amp selection slider;simply click on the desiredsimulation nameLow Frequency adjustMid Frequency adjustHigh Frequency adjustMeter displaysoutput levelDRIVE knob allows Ampdistortion to be increasedAdditional output fader to adjust level of OutputButtons allow copying and pasting of settings to and fromother Saffire Amp SimsAmp Sim On/Off switch
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