SAFFIRE LEの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全32ページ 1.17MB]
gizport - 2013-09-15 - 1.17MB
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32page / 1.17MB
nControl and Linking of Output LevelsThe centre of the SaffireControl LE GUI features the level controls for the Analogue Outputs (1-6ollows:In addition to Mute switches, O/Ps 1/2 also offer a Mono switch for making the signal Mono, as well as a Dimswitch for reducing the level by 12dB. If you want to send the O/Ps 1/2 signal to the S/PDIF Out for carryingout a digital transfer then the switch labelled S/PDIF, below the Gain dial for O/Ps 1/2, should be active.If using the SaffireLE to playback or mix in surround sound (using the analogue outputs) where one level control is required for all, activate the CTRL LINK switch in the SaffireControl LE GUI, as follows:This will link the three Gain dials in the centre of the GUI so that adjusting one will modify them all, providing a single method for increasing/decreasing the level of all analogue outputs.Mix crossfader for O/Ps 1/2 (Monitors)Level controls for O/Ps 1/2Sends O/Ps 1/2 to S/PDIF OutLevel controls for O/Ps 5/6Level controls for O/Ps 3/4Mix crossfader for O/Ps 3/4 (HeadphonesCTRL LINK switch - engage to link theLevel controls for all Analogue Outputs(in the centre of the window)Mono switchMute switchMute switchMeters for O/Ps 1/2 Meters for O/Ps 3/4 Dim switchMute switch
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