SAFFIRE LEの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全32ページ 1.17MB]
gizport - 2013-09-15 - 1.17MB
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nMIDISaffire LE operates as a MIDI interface with one input and one output. A MIDI controller keyboard or similardevice can be connected to the MIDI In, whilst a rack synth or multiple instruments (via a MIDI splitter) canbeconnected to the MIDI Out using standard MIDI cables, as follows:SaffireLE can operate in one of two possible MIDI modes. The state of the MIDI THRU switch inSaffireControl LE determines which MIDI mode will be used, as follows:Normal MIDI Mode (swit ch inactive)This mode should be used when wanting to send MIDI signals from a controller keyboard to the sequencer,from where MIDI data can also be sent to any external devices, if required. This mode is necessary when thesequencer is running, because it will prevent doubling of notes that occur when the same MIDI information is transmitted by both the input device and the sequencer.MIDI THRU Mode (swit ch active)In this mode, all MIDI data received at Saffire LE's MIDI In is routed directly to the MIDI Out. This mode is designed for simply passing MIDI through Saffire LE. This may be useful when no sequencer is running,because you don t need to route MIDI data in and out of you Mac or PC..MIDI receiving device(SuperNova II Rack - not included)MIDI OutTo Mac or PC2way MIDI trafficMIDI InMIDI Transmitting device(Novation ReMOTE 25 - not included)
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