SAFFIRE LEの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全32ページ 1.17MB]
gizport - 2013-09-15 - 1.17MB
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nDirect Audio Streaming to the Saffire LE Outputs: Soundcard (S/CARD) modeThe S/CARD switch within SaffireControl LE is a one-click solution to sending audio directly from yoursequencer to the Saffire LE hardware outputs. Activating the switch sets both of the INPUT MIX-P/BACK MIXsliders to the extreme right position, so that no Inputs are heard, and then turns all S/W faders down apartfrom the corresponding one, which is set to maximum. In other words, the Monitors (the upper row of S/W(playback track) faders) only has the S/W 1/2 fader up as these faders relate to O/Ps 1/2 of Saffire LE.Therefore, the lower row of S/W faders (relating to the Headphones) only has the S/W 3/4 fader up as these relate to O/Ps 3/4 of Saffire LE.Similarly, although not visiblywithin the SaffireControl LE softwareGUI, onlysequencer tracks routed toSaffreLE Outputs 5/6 and 7/8 will be sent t oOutputs 5/6 (Analogue) and Outputs 7/8 (SPDIF), r espectively.To return to recording/tracking mode, simply activate the TRACK switch directly below the S/CARD switchwithin SaffireControl LE. This will return to the previous session settings.Sliders in extreme right position (just Playback tracks)Only S/W 1/2 fader up (onlyaudio routed to O/Ps 1/2within sequencer goes toO/Ps 1/2 of Saffire LE)Only S/W 3/4 fader up (onlyaudio routed to O/Ps 3/4within sequencer goes toO/Ps 3/4 of Saffire LE)
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