SAFFIRE LEの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全32ページ 1.17MB]
gizport - 2013-09-15 - 1.17MB
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32page / 1.17MB
nReverbThe reverb settings are defined by three dials. The first dial sets the AMOUNT of reverb, whilst the seconddial defines the SIZE of the reverberant space, both rotating clockwise to increase. The third dial, labelledDIFFUSION, modifies the absorption of the r everb, rotating clockwise to decrease (increasing the amount ofreflected sound). The fourth dial, labelled TONE, filters the reverberant sound to create more low frequency(in the fully anticlockwise position) and more high frequency (in the fully clockwise position). The smallerbutton to the left of the dials has the same function as with the other plug-ins, to activate/bypass the plug-in(illuminated when active).Dial sets the size of thereverberant spaceDial sets the amount ofreverberationDial sets the tone (amountofhigh and low frequency)ofthe reverberationSwitches allow the copying andpasting of settings to and fromother Saffire ReverbsDial sets the absorption of thereverberant space, decreasingwhen rotating clockwise
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