SAFFIRE LEの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全32ページ 1.17MB]
gizport - 2013-09-15 - 1.17MB
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32page / 1.17MB
nFloat and Shrink ModesThe SHRINK switch in the SaffireControl LE GUI reduces the size of the software window to a compactformat where only the central OUTPUT MIX section and SaffireControl LE settings switches are available, asfollows:Furthermore, the FLOAT switch activates a mode where the SaffireControl LE window is always visible sothat, even when editing in your sequencer, the interface settings can always be seen. SaffireControl LE willFLOAT in normal or 'shrunken' modes. Whilst shrunken, an EXPAND switch is available for returning thewindow to normal size as shown above.EXPAND Switch - activate to returnthe window to normal sizeFLOAT Switch - activate to make the window permanently visible.Click again to deactivate
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