SAFFIRE LEの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全32ページ 1.17MB]
gizport - 2013-09-15 - 1.17MB
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32page / 1.17MB
nRecording a digital (S/PDIFceIfwanting to record using some hardware with a S/PDIF Out, then a phono cable can be linked from thehardware to the S/PDIF (RCA) In on the rear of the Saffire LE hardware. Once a valid S/PDIF signal isreceived, the S/PDIF IN LED on the front of the Saffire LE hardware will illuminate. Make sure that thesample rate of the S/PDIF signal matches that in SaffireControl LE and in the session the audio is beingrecorded to.This signal will appear as Inputs 5 and 6 within your sequencer/recording application. It is normally a goodidea to lock Saffire LE to the S/PDIF signal to synchronize devices and ensure no problems occur. To do this,activate the EXT switch in the bottom right of the SaffireControl LE GUI, as follows:The LED will light and LOK will show when Saffire LE is correctly synchronized. External Sync Switch - engage to lock to S/PDIF In
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