OptiPlex G1の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全174ページ 1.59MB]
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Basic Checks: Dell OptiPlex GX1 Small-Form-Factor System User's Guidefile:///C|/infodev/2013/eDoc/OpGX1/UG/basic.htm [2/21/2013 11:47:24 AM]Checking Connections and SwitchesImproperly set switches and controls and loose or improperly connected cables are the most likely source ofproblems for your computer, monitor, or other peripheral (such as a printer, keyboard, mouse, or otherexternal equipment).NOTE: See "Controls and Indicators " and "Connecting Peripheral Devices " for the location of yourcomputer's external connections and switches.Complete the following steps in the order indicated to check all the connections and switches:1. Turn off the system, including any attached peripherals (such as the monitor, keyboard, printer,external drives, scanners, or plotters).Disconnect all the AC power cables from their electrical outlets. 2. If your computer is connected to a power strip, turn the power strip off and then on again. If the problemis not resolved, try another power strip or connect the system directly to an electrical outlet to see if theoriginal power strip is faulty.3. Connect the system to a different electrical outlet.If doing so corrects the problem, the original outlet is faulty.4. Reconnect the system to an electrical outlet. Make sure that all connections fit tightly together, and turnon the system.5. If the problem is resolved, you have corrected a faulty connection.6. If your monitor is not operating properly, see " Troubleshooting the Monitor."7. If your keyboard is not operating properly, see " Troubleshooting the Keyboard."8. If your mouse or printer is not operating properly, see " Troubleshooting I/O Ports." Otherwise, see"Look and Listen."Look and ListenLooking at and listening to your system is important in determining the source of a problem. Look and listenfor the indications described in Table 1.If after looking and listening to your computer you have not resolved the problem, continue with therecommendations in "System Setup Program."Table 1. Boot Routine IndicationsLook/Listen for:Action
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