OptiPlex G1の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全174ページ 1.59MB]
ftp://ftp.dell.com/.../optiplex-g1_User%27s%20Guide_en-us.pdf - 1.59MB
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Dell Diagnostics: Dell OptiPlex GX1 Small-Form-Factor System User's Guidefile:///C|/infodev/2013/eDoc/OpGX1/UG/diag.htm [2/21/2013 11:47:14 AM]SubtestMost of the test groups consist of several subtests. Use the Subtest category to select individual subtestswithin the test group(s).When you select Subtest, many of the same categories as those on the Main menu are displayed: Run ,Select, Options , Test Limits , About , Key-Help , and Quit Menu . Each of these categories is explained inthe following subsections.Run Under SubtestRun in the Subtest menu displays five categories: One , Selected, All, Key-Help, and Quit Menu. Ifyou select One, only the highlighted subtest is run. If you select Selected , only the selected subtestsare run. If you select All, all of the subtests listed on the screen are run. (The subtests are run in thesame order as they are listed.)The Key-Help category displays a list of key controls available. The Quit Menu category returns you tothe previous menu.Select Under SubtestSelect in the Subtest menu allows you to select individual subtests to tailor the testing process to yourparticular needs. You can choose one or more subtests from the list. When you choose Select , fivecategories are displayed: All , One, Clear All, Key-Help, and Quit Menu.To select all the subtests, press <Enter> when All is highlighted in the Select menu. To select anindividual subtest, highlight the subtest and press the spacebar or highlight One and press <Enter>.Press the up- or down-arrow key to highlight a subtest to be selected. To reverse a subtest selection, highlight the subtest and press the spacebar. To clear all selections,select Clear All.The Key-Help category displays a list of key controls available. The Quit Menu category returns you tothe previous menu.Options Under SubtestThe Options category in the Subtest menu functions the same way as the Options category in theMain menu. For information on this category, see " Options ." Test Limits Under SubtestThe Test Limits category in the Subtest menu functions the same way as the Test Limits category inthe Main menu. For information on this category, see " Test Limits ." About Under SubtestThe About category in the Subtest menu displays information about the highlighted subtest. Key-Help Under Subtest
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