OptiPlex G1の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全174ページ 1.59MB]
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System Setup Options: Dell OptiPlex GX1 Small-Form-Factor System User's Guidefile:///C|/infodev/2013/eDoc/OpGX1/UG/setupopt.htm [2/21/2013 11:47:16 AM]The System Setup program reports hard-disk drives in one of two ways:Newer hard-disk drives and all hard-disk drives over 8 gigabytes (GB) are reported as an EIDE Drive ,without details on type, cylinders, heads, cylinder numbers, and sectors. See Figure 1 in "Using theSystem Setup Program" for an example.Older hard-disk drives are reported with full details about type, cylinders, heads, cylinder numbers,sectors, and size.NOTE: For all Dell-installed hard-disk drives, set the appropriate drive option to Auto.Use one of the following options if you have an older EIDE hard-disk drive not shipped with the system fromDell and with less than 528 megabytes (MB) in capacity:A specific drive-type numberUsr1 or Usr2For each drive, you can choose the seven parameters as a group by drive-type number or you can enter theparameters individually from the keyboard. A drive-type number specifies the parameters of a hard-diskdrive, based on a table recorded in the system's basic input/output system (BIOS).NOTE: Operating systems that bypass the system BIOS may not obtain optimum hard-disk driveperformanceIf you choose the Usr1 or Usr2 option, you must supply the following parameters for the drive:Type is the drive-type number for the selected hard-disk drive (in this case, Usr1 or Usr2).Cyls is the number of logical cylinders.Hds indicates the number of logical heads in the drive.Pre (precompensation cylinder) is the cylinder number at which the electrical current for the drive headchanges to compensate for differences in data density across the disk surface (this parameter has noeffect for EIDE drives).LZ is the cylinder number that is used as the drive's landing zone for the heads when the drive is not inuse.Sec is the number of logical sectors per track.Size (automatically calculated by the system) indicates the number of millions of bytes of storageprovided by the drive.Reserved MemoryReserved Memory allows you to designate a region of system board memory that can be supplied by anexpansion card. You should not enable the reserved memory feature unless you are using an expansioncard that requires special addressing.
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