OptiPlex G1の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全174ページ 1.59MB]
ftp://ftp.dell.com/.../optiplex-g1_User%27s%20Guide_en-us.pdf - 1.59MB
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Introduction: Dell OptiPlex GX1 Small-Form-Factor System User's Guidefile:///C|/infodev/2013/eDoc/OpGX1/UG/intro.htm [2/21/2013 11:47:09 AM]Wakeup On LANThe Wakeup On LAN feature allows you to remotely turn on a Managed PC system that is in a sleep state.The ability to turn on the Managed PC systems remotely allows you to perform remote computer setup,software downloading and installation, file updates, and asset tracking after hours and on weekends whenusers are not using the systems and network traffic is at a minimum.To use the Wakeup On LAN feature, each Managed PC system must contain a NIC that supports WakeupOn LAN. You must also enable the Wakeup On LAN option in the System Setup program.Auto Power OnAuto Power On enables you to turn on the computer system automatically on certain days of the week at apreset time. You can set Auto Power On to turn on the system either every day or every Monday throughFriday.NOTE: This feature does not work if the system is shut off using a power strip or surge protector.Temperature MonitoringYour system includes temperature probes to sense when the processor becomes overheated. In such acase, a message appears on the screen when Dell OpenManage is running or at the next system start-upnotifying you of the problem.Security FeaturesYour system has the following integrated security features.Chassis intrusionSecurity cable slot and padlock ringPasswordsChassis IntrusionAn integrated chassis intrusion alarm displays the status of the system chassis intrusion monitor. If thechassis has been opened, the setting changes to Detected and the following message is displayed duringthe boot sequence at system start-up:Alert! Cover was previously removed.The field can be cleared using the System Setup program to enable future intrusions to be detected. Formore information, see "System Setup Program."Security Cable Slot and Padlock RingThe padlock ring allows you to secure the computer cover to the chassis to prevent unauthorized access tothe inside of the computer. To use the padlock ring, insert a commercially available padlock through the ring
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