OptiPlex G1の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全174ページ 1.59MB]
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Basic Checks: Dell OptiPlex GX1 Small-Form-Factor System User's Guidefile:///C|/infodev/2013/eDoc/OpGX1/UG/basic.htm [2/21/2013 11:47:24 AM]An error messageSee "Messages and Codes ."The monitor'spower indicatorMost monitors have a power indicator (usually on the front bezel). If the monitor'spower indicator does not light up, see " Troubleshooting the Monitor."The powerindicatorUse the power indicator to help you identify a system problem when you press thepower button to turn on the computer but the system does not boot:A blinking yellow power indicator before power-on self-test (POST) indicates thatthe power supply may be faulty. In rare cases, the system board may be faulty.See "Getting Help" for instructions on getting technical assistance from Dell.A solid yellow power indicator before POST indicates that a device on the systemboard may be faulty or is incorrectly installed. properly seated, remove all expansion cards, and then reboot. If the system doesnot boot, see "Getting Help" for instructions on getting technical assistance fromDell.A solid green power indicator and a beep code during POST indicate that a dualin-line memory module (DIMM) may be faulty or is not properly seated. Removeall DIMMs , install only one DIMM, and then reboot. Repeat this procedure untilyou identify the faulty or improperly seated DIMM.A solid green power indicator and no beep code and no video during POSTindicate that the monitor or the integrated video controller may be faulty. See"Troubleshooting the Monitor." If the monitor is operating properly and is correctlyconnected, see "Getting Help" for instructions on getting technical assistancefrom Dell.A solid green power indicator and no beep code with video during POST indicatethat an integrated system board device may be faulty. See " Getting Help" forinstructions on getting technical assistance from Dell.The keyboardindicatorsMost keyboards have one or more indicators (usually in the upper-right corner). Pressthe <Num Lock> key, the <Caps Lock> key, and the <Scroll Lock> key to toggle thekeyboard indicators on and off. If the keyboard indicators do not light up, see"Troubleshooting the Keyboard."The diskette-drive accessindicatorThe diskette-drive access indicator should quickly flash on and off when you accessdata on the diskette drive. On a system running a Microsoft(R) Windows(R) operatingsystem, you can test the drive by opening Windows Explorer and clicking the icon fordrive A. If the diskette-drive access indicator does not light up, see " TroubleshootingDrives ."The hard-diskdrive accessindicatorThe hard-disk drive access indicator should quickly flash on and off when you accessdata on the hard-disk drive. On a system running a Windows operating system, youcan test the drive by opening Windows Explorer and clicking the icon for drive C. If thehard-disk drive access indicator does not light up, see " Troubleshooting Drives."A series of beepsSee "Messages and Codes."An unfamiliarconstant scrapingMake sure the sound is not caused by the application program you are running. Thesound could be caused by a hardware malfunction. See " Getting Help" for instructions
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