OptiPlex G1の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全174ページ 1.59MB]
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Software Checks: Dell OptiPlex GX1 Small-Form-Factor System User's Guidefile:///C|/infodev/2013/eDoc/OpGX1/UG/software.htm [2/21/2013 11:47:25 AM]Back to Contents PageSoftware Checks: DellTM OptiPlexTM GX1 Small-Form-FactorSystem User's GuideOverview Memory-Resident ProgramsInstalling and Configuring Software Program ConflictsError Messages Memory Address ConflictsInput Errors Interrupt Assignment ConflictsOverviewBecause most computers have several application programs installed in addition to the operating system,isolating a software problem can be confusing. Software errors can also appear to be hardware malfunctionsat first. Software problems can result from the following circumstances:Improper installation or configuration of a programInput errorsDevice drivers that conflict with certain application programsMemory conflicts resulting from the use of terminate-and-stay-resident (TSR) programsInterrupt conflicts between devicesYou can confirm that a computer problem is caused by software by running the System Set Test Group inthe Dell Diagnostics. If all tests in the test group complete successfully, the error condition is most likelycaused by software.This section provides some general guidelines for analyzing software problems. For detailed troubleshootinginformation on a particular program, see the documentation that accompanied the software or consult thesupport service for the software.Installing and Configuring SoftwareWhen you obtain software, check it for viruses with virus-scanning software before installing it on yourcomputer's hard-disk drive. Viruses, which are pieces of code that can replicate themselves, can quickly useall available system memory, damage or destroy data stored on the hard-disk drive, and permanently affectthe performance of the programs they infect. Several commercial virus-scanning programs are available forpurchase, and most bulletin board services (BBSs) archive freely distributed virus-scanning programs thatyou can download with a modem.Before you install a program, read its documentation to learn how the program works, what hardware it
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