OptiPlex G1の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全174ページ 1.59MB]
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Software Checks: Dell OptiPlex GX1 Small-Form-Factor System User's Guidefile:///C|/infodev/2013/eDoc/OpGX1/UG/software.htm [2/21/2013 11:47:25 AM]Some programs may leave portions of their setup information behind, even though you have exited fromthem. As a result, other programs cannot run. Rebooting your system can confirm whether or not theseprograms are the cause of the problem.Programs that use specialized subroutines called device drivers can also cause problems with your computersystem. For example, a variation in the way the data is sent to the monitor may require a special screendriver program that expects a certain kind of video mode or monitor. In such cases, you may have to developan alternative method of running that particular program-the creation of a boot file made especially for thatprogram, for example. Call the support service for the software you are using to help you with this problem.Memory Address ConflictsMemory address conflicts occur when two or more devices try to access the same address in the uppermemory blocks (UMB). For example, if a network expansion card and an expanded-memory page frame areassigned an overlapping block of addresses, a memory address conflict arises. As a result, when you try tolog in to the network, the operation fails.To resolve this type of conflict, you can change the address of one of the devices. For example, in the caseof the network expansion card and expanded-memory page-frame address conflict, you can move thenetwork card to an address block in the range of CC000h through D0000h. To reassign the expansion card'saddress block, refer to the documentation for the card.Interrupt Assignment ConflictsProblems can arise if two devices attempt to use the same interrupt request (IRQ) line. To avoid this type ofconflict, check the documentation for the default IRQ-line setting for each installed expansion card. Thenconsult Table 1 to configure the card for one of the available IRQ lines.NOTE: Table 1 lists default IRQ settings. In systems with Plug and Play capabilities, you can modifythe default settings. If you install a Plug and Play card in a Plug and Play system, the systemautomatically selects an open IRQ line if any are available. If you install a non-Plug and Play or legacycard, you may need to run the ISA Configuration Utility to determine the current IRQ settings and tofind an available IRQ line.Table 1. Default IRQ Line AssignmentsIRQ LineUsed/AvailableIRQ0Used by the system timerIRQ1Used by the keyboard to signal that the output buffer is fullIRQ2Used by interrupt controller 1 to enable IRQ8 through IRQ15IRQ3Used by serial port 2IRQ4Used by serial port 1IRQ5Available
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