OptiPlex G1の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全174ページ 1.59MB]
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Setup and Operation: Dell OptiPlex GX1 Small-Form-Factor System User's Guidefile:///C|/infodev/2013/eDoc/OpGX1/UG/setup.htm [2/21/2013 11:47:10 AM]Operating Your System With a Setup Password EnabledIf Setup Password is set to Enabled, you must enter the correct setup password before you can modify themajority of the System Setup options.When you start the System Setup program, the System Setup screen appears with Setup Passwordhighlighted, prompting you to type the password.If you do not enter the correct password in three tries, the system lets you view, but not modify, the SystemSetup screen-with the following exceptions:You can still modify the Date , Time , CPU Speed , Num Lock , and Speaker options.If System Password is not enabled and is not locked via the Password Status option, you can assigna system password (however, you cannot disable or change an existing system password).NOTE: You can use Password Status in conjunction with Setup Password to protect the systempassword from unauthorized changes.Deleting or Changing an Existing Setup PasswordTo delete or change an existing setup password, perform the following steps:1. Enter the System Setup program.2. Highlight Setup Password and press the left- or right-arrow key to delete the existing setup password.The setting changes to Not Enabled .3. If you want to assign a new setup password, perform the steps in " Assigning a Setup Password."Disabling a Forgotten PasswordIf you forget your system or setup password, you cannot operate your system or change settings in theSystem Setup program until you remove the computer cover, change the password jumper setting to disablethe passwords, and erase the existing passwords.To disable a forgotten password, perform the following steps.CAUTION: Before you remove the computer cover, see " Safety First-For You and YourComputer ."1. Remove the computer cover according to the instructions in " Removing and Replacing the ComputerCover ."2. Remove the jumper plug from the PSWD jumper to disable the password feature.Refer to "System Board Jumpers" for jumper information and to Figure 4 in "Inside YourComputer" for the location of the password jumper (labeled "PSWD") on the system board.
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