OptiPlex G1の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全174ページ 1.59MB]
ftp://ftp.dell.com/.../optiplex-g1_User%27s%20Guide_en-us.pdf - 1.59MB
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174page / 1.59MB
Specifications: Dell OptiPlex GX1 Small-Form-Factor System User's Guidefile:///C|/infodev/2013/eDoc/OpGX1/UG/specs.htm [2/21/2013 11:47:12 AM]Back to Contents PageSpecifications: DellTM OptiPlexTM GX1 Small-Form-Factor SystemUser's GuideProcessor PortsMemory Key CombinationsSystem Information Controls and IndicatorsVideo PowerAudio PhysicalExpansion Bus EnvironmentalDrivesProcessorMicroprocessor type Intel(R) Pentium(R) II or Pentium III microprocessorInternal cache 32 kilobyte (KB) (16-KB data cache, 16-KB instruction cache)L2 cache memory 512-KB pipeline burst, 4-way set-associative, write-back static random-access memory (SRAM)Math coprocessor Internal to the microprocessorMemoryArchitecture 64-bit (non-error checking and correction [ECC]) or 72-bit (ECC),noninterleaved, "PC100" 100 megahertz (MHz)Dual inline memory module(DIMM) socketsThree (gold contacts)DIMM capacities 32-, 64-, 128-, and 256-megabyte (MB) synchronous dynamic random-access memory (SDRAM)System RAM 32-768 MB
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