OptiPlex G1の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全174ページ 1.59MB]
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Dell Diagnostics: Dell OptiPlex GX1 Small-Form-Factor System User's Guidefile:///C|/infodev/2013/eDoc/OpGX1/UG/diag.htm [2/21/2013 11:47:14 AM]The Key-Help category in the Subtest menu displays a list of key controls available. Quit Menu Under SubtestThe Quit Menu category in the Subtest menu returns you to the Main menu.OptionsTable 1 lists all of the possible values for each global parameter of Options. A brief description of eachparameter follows the table. To change Options parameters, press the spacebar, the left- and right- arrowkeys, or the plus (+) and minus (-) keys.Table 1. Option ParametersOption Limit Possible ValuesNumber of Times to Repeat Test(s) 0001 through 9999, or 0000, which loops indefinitely until youpress the <Ctrl> and <Break> keys. The default is 1 .Maximum Errors Allowed 0000 through 9999, where 0000 means that there is no error limit.The default is 1.Pause For User Response Yes, NoAllows you to decide whether tests will wait for user input.The default is Yes to wait for user input.Output Device for Status Messages Display, Printer, FileIf you have a printer attached to your computer, you can use it toprint the status messages, if any, that are generated when a testruns. (The printer must be turned on and in the online mode toprint.) If you select File, the messages are printed to a file namedresult on a diskette that you insert into drive A when prompted. Ifyou are running the diagnostics from a utility partition on yourhard-disk drive, the result file is created on the hard-disk drive.The default is Display.Output Device for Error Messages Display, Printer, FileThis parameter has the same effect as the Output Device forStatus Messages parameter, except that it pertains only to errormessages. The default is Display .Number of Times to Repeat Test(s)This parameter specifies the number of times the tests run when you select Run. To change thedefault, type in the desired value. If you type 0 (zero), the tests will run indefinitely.Maximum Errors AllowedThis parameter specifies the maximum number of errors that can occur before testing is stopped. Theerror count begins from zero each time you run a subtest or test group individually or each time youselect All to run all of them. To change the default, type in the desired value. If you type 0 (zero), you
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