OptiPlex G1の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全174ページ 1.59MB]
ftp://ftp.dell.com/.../optiplex-g1_User%27s%20Guide_en-us.pdf - 1.59MB
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Dell Diagnostics: Dell OptiPlex GX1 Small-Form-Factor System User's Guidefile:///C|/infodev/2013/eDoc/OpGX1/UG/diag.htm [2/21/2013 11:47:14 AM]are specifying that there be no limit on the number of errors that can occur-testing will not be stopped,regardless of the number of errors.Pause for User ResponseIf this parameter value is set to Yes , the diagnostics pauses when one of the following occurs:Your interaction is needed to verify the Video Test Group screens or the Keyboard Test Groupkey functions or other types of interaction such as inserting a diskette.The maximum error limit is reached.If the Pause parameter is set to No, the diagnostics ignores some subtests that require yourinteraction; certain subtests can run only if this option is set to Yes because they require userinteraction. Use the Pause parameter in situations where you may want to prevent subtests that requireuser interaction from running-such as when you run the diagnostics overnight.Output Device for Status Messages Ordinarily, all status messages appear only on the screen. This parameter allows you to direct statusmessages to either a printer or a file, in addition to the screen. If you choose the File option, statusmessages are written to a file named result . This file is automatically created on a diskette that youinsert into drive A when prompted. If you are running the diagnostics from a utility partition on yourhard-disk drive, the result file is created on the hard-disk drive. If the result file already exists, newstatus messages are added to it. The result file is an ordinary American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) text file thatyou can open in any text viewer or word processor. You can also access the result file with the MS-DOS type command as follows: 1. Select Quit to exit the diagnostics and return to the operating system prompt.2. At the operating system prompt, type the appropriate command and press <Enter>: type resultThe contents of the file appear on the screen.After running particular diagnostic tests and viewing the status messages generated by the tests in theresult file, you can erase the contents of the file so that it is clear for the next set of messagesgenerated. Otherwise, the next messages are added at the end of the previous ones in the file.Output Device for Error Messages Ordinarily, all error messages appear only on the screen. This parameter allows you to direct errormessages to either a printer or a file, in addition to the screen. If you choose the File option, errormessages are written to the result file used for status messages. This file is automatically created on adiskette that you insert into drive A when prompted. If you are running the diagnostics from a utilitypartition on your hard-disk drive, the result file is created on the hard-disk drive. If the result filealready exists, new error messages are added to it. The result file is an ordinary ASCII text file. You can access and review the result file as described in
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