OptiPlex G1の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全174ページ 1.59MB]
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Dell Diagnostics: Dell OptiPlex GX1 Small-Form-Factor System User's Guidefile:///C|/infodev/2013/eDoc/OpGX1/UG/diag.htm [2/21/2013 11:47:14 AM]The following symptoms usually suggest a problem with a component or subassembly that warrants runninga System Set subtest:A program is not running as usual, or a proven piece of software appears to malfunction and youconfirm that the software itself is not at fault. (You can confirm that the software is functioning properlyby moving it to another computer and running it there.)An option card you previously accessed can no longer be accessed.You get parity errors or page fault failures (any error message that contains the word parity or pagefault) at any time during operation. These errors are usually accompanied by a reference to anaddress, which you should record on a copy of the Diagnostics Checklist.Correcting errors in the system configuration information in the System Setup program does not resolvea problem.The computer's clock/calendar stops.The speaker no longer functions. The problem could be a failure of the system timers as well as afailure of the speaker itself. Run the System Timers Test , followed by the System Speaker Test .If a peripheral device appears to malfunction, run the .A spreadsheet program or other type of mathematical application runs abnormally slow, generateserror messages concerning calculations or operations, runs incorrectly, or generates incorrect results,or a proven piece of the program appears to malfunction and you confirm that the software itself is notat fault. (You can confirm that the software is not at fault by moving the program to another computerand running it there.)The computer periodically locks up, especially at different places and times in different programs.The computer halts in the middle of performing calculations or complex mathematical operations.Video Test GroupThe subtests in the Video Test Group verify the proper operation of the video controller and the videocontrol circuitry installed in your computer. These subtests check for the correct operation of the readableregisters in the video circuitry and the controller. They write, read, and verify data patterns in the cursorregisters of the controller. The Video Test Group also tests all the video memory and provides additionalsubtests to test the color features of a color monitor.The eight subtests in the Video Test Group confirm the following video functions:Video Memory TestChecks the read/write capability of video memory in various video modes.Video Hardware TestChecks the cursor registers and the horizontal and vertical retrace bit registers in the videocontroller.
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