OptiPlex G1の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全174ページ 1.59MB]
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Dell Diagnostics: Dell OptiPlex GX1 Small-Form-Factor System User's Guidefile:///C|/infodev/2013/eDoc/OpGX1/UG/diag.htm [2/21/2013 11:47:14 AM]Causes the CD-ROM drive to begin playing the first audio track on an audio CD. To determinewhether the test passed, listen to the audio output of the drive.NOTE: To conduct the Audio Output Test , you must select it individually. It will not run aspart of the test group.Eject Removable MediaCauses a CD-ROM drive to eject its CD or a SCSI tape drive to eject its tape cartridge.Display InformationDisplays a screen of information about each SCSI host adapter in the computer, the resourcesallocated to each SCSI host adapter, and a list of target devices attached to the SCSI hostadapter.Why Run a SCSI Devices Test?If you check your SCSI hard-disk drive to determine the amount of available space, your operating systemwill probably report problem areas. Problem areas on hard-disk drives are common, because most hard-diskdrives have a small amount of space that is not usable. The hard-disk drive keeps a record of this space sothat your computer will not attempt to use it. Identification of unusable disk space, unless it is an unusuallylarge amount (over 5 percent of the possible total), should not be regarded as a cause for testing the hard-disk drive.These are the most common symptoms that might prompt you to test a SCSI device:A SCSI hard-disk drive fails during the boot routine.Seek errors are reported by the operating system or application programs.An error message appears on the screen stating that the computer cannot read from or write to a SCSIdevice.Data on a SCSI device is corrupted or lost; this problem may be intermittent. Once saved by a program,files cannot be properly recalled.Network Interface Test GroupThe subtests in the Network Interface Test Group verify the basic operation of the network interfacecontroller (NIC). They test its internal functions, including read and write access to its registers and internaltransmit and receive (loopback) capability.The subtests in the Network Interface Test Group confirm the following functions:Registers TestWrites patterns to the writable registers in the controller and reads the patterns back to verifywhether they are accessible and able to retain data. This subtest also tests interrupt generationand register-specific functionality based on the type of controller.Internal Loopback Test
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