OptiPlex G1の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全174ページ 1.59MB]
ftp://ftp.dell.com/.../optiplex-g1_User%27s%20Guide_en-us.pdf - 1.59MB
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System Setup Options: Dell OptiPlex GX1 Small-Form-Factor System User's Guidefile:///C|/infodev/2013/eDoc/OpGX1/UG/setupopt.htm [2/21/2013 11:47:16 AM]The Boot Device Priority option lists all bootable devices (hard-disk drives, CD-ROM drives,and so on) that are controlled by the system BIOS and any Plug and Play network adaptersinstalled in the computer.Exclude From Boot Device PriorityThe Exclude From Boot Device Priority option allows you to remove from the Boot DevicePriority option any boot devices that you want the system to ignore during system start-up.Device Controller PriorityThe Device Controller Priority option lists the system BIOS controller; any non-Plug and Playdevices, such as network adapter cards; and any secondary controller cards, such as a smallcomputer system interface (SCSI) adapter, installed in the computer.NOTE: Non-Plug and Play devices appear in this list as Adapters without ID support.When determining the order of devices to boot from, the system first considers the order of the devices listedunder the Device Controller Priority option, then the order of devices under Boot Device Priority .To specify your priority preferences, order the devices under these options so that the highest-prioritycontroller is at the top of the Device Controller Priority option and the highest-priority device is at the top ofthe Boot Device Priority option. Order the remainder of the devices in the Boot Device Priority optionaccording to your preferences. Move any devices that you want the system to ignore during system start-upinto the Exclude From Boot Device Priority option.NOTE: The system defines drive C in the Boot Device Priority option as the first hard-disk driveattached to the highest-priority device controller. Therefore, if you have a SCSI adapter installed inyour computer and you want the SCSI drive 0 to be drive C, you must move the SCSI adapter item tothe top of the Device Controller Priority option.To change the order of the devices, press <Ctrl> and the up- or down-arrow key. If you want to revert to theoriginal Boot Device Priority option settings, press <Ctrl><Del>.NOTE: If you exit the Device List option by pressing <Esc> or <Alt><b> without making any changes,the Boot Sequence option is set to the Device List option.Setup PasswordSetup Password indicates whether a password is required before you can change option settings on theSystem Setup screen. The settings for this option are normally Enabled or Not Enabled. A third setting,Disabled By Jumper, displays if the Setup Password option is deactivated. (You can set a jumper on thesystem board to deactivate the Setup Password option.)If Setup Password is set to Enabled, you must enter the correct setup password before you can change thesettings for the majority of the System Setup options. If you do not enter the correct password in three tries,the system lets you view, but not change, the settings on the System Setup screen, with one exception: ifPassword Status is Unlocked, you may change the system password.
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