OptiPlex G1の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全174ページ 1.59MB]
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System Setup Options: Dell OptiPlex GX1 Small-Form-Factor System User's Guidefile:///C|/infodev/2013/eDoc/OpGX1/UG/setupopt.htm [2/21/2013 11:47:16 AM]system off and then on again.Using Your System Password to Secure Your SystemWhenever you turn on your system, press the reset button, or reboot the system by pressing the<Ctrl><Alt><Del> key combination, the following prompt appears on the screen when the Password Statusoption is set to Unlocked:Type in the password and...- press <ENTER> to leave password security enabled.- press <CTRL><ENTER> to disable password security.Enter password:If the Password Status option is set to Locked, the following prompt appears:Type the password and press <Enter>.After you type the correct system password and press <Enter>, your system boots and you can use thekeyboard and/or mouse to operate your system as usual.NOTE: If you have assigned a setup password (see " Using the Setup Password Feature ") the systemaccepts your setup password as an alternate system password.If a wrong or incomplete system password is entered, the following message appears on the screen:** Incorrect password. **Enter password:If an incorrect or incomplete system password is entered again, the same message appears on the screen.The third and subsequent times an incorrect or incomplete system password is entered, the system displaysthe following message:** Incorrect password. **Number of unsuccessful password attempts: 3System halted! Must power down.The number of unsuccessful attempts made to enter the correct system password can alert you to anunauthorized person attempting to use your system.Even after your system is turned off and on, the previous message is displayed each time an incorrect orincomplete system password is entered.NOTE: You can use the Password Status option in conjunction with System Password and SetupPassword to further protect your system from unauthorized changes.Deleting or Changing an Existing System PasswordTo delete or change an existing system password, perform the following steps:1. Press the <F2> key to enter the System Setup program, and verify that the Password Status option is
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