OptiPlex G1の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全174ページ 1.59MB]
ftp://ftp.dell.com/.../optiplex-g1_User%27s%20Guide_en-us.pdf - 1.59MB
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External Components: Dell GX1 Small-Form-Factor System User's Guidefile:///C|/infodev/2013/eDoc/OpGX1/UG/external.htm [2/21/2013 11:47:18 AM]If the tests complete successfully, the original monitor was faulty. If the tests still fail, the videocontroller on the system board may be faulty. See " Getting Help" for instructions on obtaining technicalassistance.Troubleshooting the KeyboardThis procedure determines what kind of keyboard problem you have. If a system error message indicates akeyboard problem when you start the computer system or if the keyboard does not operate as expected,perform the following steps in the order indicated until the problem is resolved:1. If the keyboard or its cable shows signs of physical damage or if the keys do not work, replace thekeyboard with a working keyboard.2. Insert the Dell ResourceCD into the appropriate drive, reboot the system, and run the Keyboard TestGroup in the Dell Diagnostics .If the Keyboard Interactive Test fails, replace the keyboard.If the Keyboard Controller Test fails, the system board may be faulty. See " Getting Help " forinstructions on obtaining technical assistance.Troubleshooting the MouseThis procedure determines what kind of mouse problem you have. If a system error message indicates amouse problem when you start the computer system or if the mouse does not operate as expected, performthe following steps in the order indicated until the problem is resolved:1. Clean the mouse as instructed in your mouse documentation.Most mice have a ball that can be removed and cleaned of debris by turning the mouse upside downand removing a cover on the bottom of the mouse. Also remove any lint or other debris that hasaccumulated on the bottom of the mouse.2. If the mouse or its cable shows signs of physical damage or if the buttons do not work, replace themouse with a working mouse.3. Insert the Dell ResourceCD into the appropriate drive, reboot the system, and run the Mouse Test inthe Dell Diagnostics.If the Mouse Test fails, the system board may be faulty. See " Getting Help" for instructions on obtainingtechnical assistance.Troubleshooting I/O PortsThis section provides a procedure for troubleshooting the ports on your computer's I/O panel and theequipment connected to them, such as a printer, scanner, or other peripheral device.You can also use this procedure to test I/O ports on expansion cards. However, you should first complete the
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