OptiPlex G1の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全174ページ 1.59MB]
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Messages and Codes: Dell OptiPlex GX1 Small-Form-Factor System User's Guidefile:///C|/infodev/2013/eDoc/OpGX1/UG/messages.htm [2/21/2013 11:47:24 AM]"Troubleshooting the Battery ."Time-of-day not setThe time or datedisplayed in the systemconfiguration informationdoes not match thesystem clock.Enter the System Setup programand correct the date or time.Timer chip counter 2 failedA chip on the systemboard might bemalfunctioning.Run the System Set Test Groupin the Dell Diagnostics.Unexpected interrupt inprotected modeThe keyboard controllermay be malfunctioning, orone or more DIMMs maybe loose.Run the andthe Keyboard Controller Test inthe Dell Diagnostics.WARNING: Dell's DiskMonitoring System has detectedthat drive [0/1] on the[primary/secondary] EIDEcontroller is operatingoutside of normalspecifications. It isadvisable to immediately backup your data and replace yourhard-disk drive by callingyour support desk or DellComputer Corporation.Power-on self-test(POST) has queried theenhanced integrateddrive electronics (EIDE)drive for statusinformation. The drive hasreturned a parameterfrom the call thatindicates it has detectedpossible error conditionsfor its operatingspecifications.Once your computer finishesbooting, immediately back upyour data and replace your hard-disk drive. Restore the data tothe replaced drive. If a replacement drive is notimmediately available and thedrive is not the only bootabledrive, enter the System Setupprogram and change theappropriate drive setting to None.Remove the drive from thesystem. This should be done onlyafter you have backed up thedata.Write fault Write fault on selected driveThe operating systemcannot write to thediskette or hard-diskdrive.See "Troubleshooting Drives."System Beep CodesWhen errors occur during a boot routine that cannot be reported on the monitor, your computer may emit aseries of beeps that identify the problem. The beep code is a pattern of sounds: for example, one beep,followed by a second beep, and then a burst of three beeps (code 1-1-3) means that the computer wasunable to read the data in nonvolatile random-access memory (NVRAM). This information is invaluable tothe Dell support staff if you need to call for technical assistance.When a beep code is emitted, write it down on a copy of the Diagnostics Checklist found in "Getting Help,"and then look it up in Table 2. If you are unable to resolve the problem by looking up the meaning of thebeep code, use the Dell Diagnostics to identify a more serious cause. If you are still unable to resolve theproblem, see "Getting Help" for instructions on obtaining technical assistance.
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