CTの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全79ページ 6.28MB]
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2391. AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM OPERATION5AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEMCT200h_Navi_OM76077U_(U)12.07.12 09:45OPERATING A DVD DISCThe playback condition of some DVDdiscs may be determined by the DVDsoftware producer. This DVD playerplays a disc as the software producer in-tended. As such some functions may notwork properly. Be sure to read the in-struction manual that comes with the in-dividual DVD disc. For detailedinformation about DVD video discs, see"DVD PLAYER AND DVD VIDEODISC INFORMATION" on page 251.PRECAUTIONS ON DVD VIDEO DISCWhen recording with a DVD video, au-dio tracks may not record in some caseswhile the menu is displayed. As audiowill not play in this case, verify that thevideo tracks are playing and then acti-vate playback.When playback of a disc is completed:If an audio CD or MP3/WMA disc isplaying, the first track or file starts.If a DVD video is playing, playback willstop or the menu screen will be dis-played.The title/chapter number and playbacktime display may not appear while play-ing back certain DVD video discs.CAUTION●Conversational speech on some DVDs isrecorded at a low volume to emphasizethe impact of sound effects. If you adjustthe volume assuming that the conversa-tions represent the maximum volumelevel that the DVD will play, you may bestartled by louder sound effects or whenyou change to a different audio source.The louder sounds may have a significantimpact on the human body or pose a driv-ing hazard. Keep this in mind when youadjust the volume.
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