CTの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全79ページ 6.28MB]
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2631. AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM OPERATIONCT200h_Navi_OM76077U_(U)12.07.12 09:455AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM10. Bluetooth(R) AUDIO OPERATIONBluetooth is a trademark owned byBluetooth SIG, Inc.The Bluetooth(R) audio system enablesusers to enjoy listening to music that isplayed on a portable player on the vehi-cle speakers via wireless communica-tion.This audio system supports Bluetooth(R),a wireless data system capable of play-ing portable audio music without cables.If your portable player does not supportBluetooth(R), the Bluetooth(R) audio sys-tem will not function.CAUTION●Do not operate the player's controls orconnect to the Bluetooth(R) audio systemwhile driving.●An antenna for the Bluetooth(R) connec-tion is built in the instrument panel. Peo-ple with implanted pacemakers orcardiac defibrillators should maintain areasonable distance between them-selves and the Bluetooth(R) antennas. Theradio waves may affect the operation ofsuch devices.●Before using portable players, users ofany electrical medical device other thanimplanted pacemakers and implantedcardiac defibrillators should consult themanufacturer of the device for informa-tion about its operation under the influ-ence of radio waves. Radio waves couldhave unexpected effects on the operationof such medical devices.NOTICE●Do not leave your portable player in thevehicle. In particular, high temperaturesinside the vehicle may damage the porta-ble player.
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