CTの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全79ページ 6.28MB]
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2501. AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM OPERATIONCT200h_Navi_OM76077U_(U)12.07.12 09:45If "Check DISC" appears on the screen : Itindicates that the disc is dirty, damaged, or itwas inserted upside down. Clean the disc orinsert it correctly. If a disc which is not play-able is inserted, "Check DISC" will also ap-pear on the screen. For appropriate discsfor the player, see "AUDIO/VIDEO SYS-TEM OPERATING HINTS" on page 276.If "Region code error" appears on thescreen: It indicates that the DVD regioncode is not set properly.If the malfunction is not rectified : Takeyour vehicle to your Lexus dealer.2209 Vietnamese2215 Volapuk2315 Wolof2408 Xhosa2515 Yoruba2621 ZuluCode LanguageIF THE PLAYER MALFUNCTIONSIf the player or another unit equippedwith the player malfunctions, the audio/video system will display a message.These are described below.INFORMATION●If an MP3/WMA disc contains CD-DAfiles only, the CD-DA files can be played.If an MP3/WMA disc contains CD-DAfiles and files other than CD-DA files,only MP3/WMA files can be played.
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