CTの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全79ページ 6.28MB]
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79page / 6.28MB
2851. AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM OPERATION5AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEMCT200h_Navi_OM76077U_(U)12.07.12 09:45You agree that your non-exclusivelicense to use the Gracenote Data, theGracenote Software, and GracenoteServers will terminate if you violatethese restrictions. If your licenseterminates, you agree to cease any andall use of the Gracenote Data, theGracenote Software, and GracenoteServers. Gracenote reserves all rightsin Gracenote Data, the GracenoteSoftware, and the Gracenote Servers,including all ownership rights. Under nocircumstances will Gracenote becomeliable for any payment to you for anyinformation that you provide. Youagree that Gracenote, Inc. may enforceits rights under this Agreement againstyou directly in its own name.The Gracenote service uses a uniqueidentifier to track queries for statisticalpurposes. The purpose of a randomlyassigned numeric identifier is to allowthe Gracenote service to count querieswithout knowing anything about whoyou are. For more information, see theweb page for the Gracenote PrivacyPolicy for the Gracenote service.The Gracenote Software and each itemof Gracenote Data are licensed to you"AS IS." Gracenote makes norepresentations or warranties, expressor implied, regarding the accuracy ofany Gracenote Data from in theGracenote Servers. Gracenotereserves the right to delete data fromthe Gracenote Servers or to changedata categories for any cause thatGracenote deems sufficient. Nowarranty is made that the GracenoteSoftware or Gracenote Servers areerror-free or that functioning ofGracenote Software or GracenoteServers will be uninterrupted.Gracenote is not obligated to provideyou with new enhanced or additionaldata types or categories thatGracenote may provide in the futureand is free to discontinue its services atany time.
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