CTの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全79ページ 6.28MB]
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2741. AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM OPERATIONCT200h_Navi_OM76077U_(U)12.07.12 09:4511. AUDIO/VIDEO REMOTE CONT ROLS (STEERING SWITCHES)Volume control switch Press the "+" side to increase the volume.The volume continues to increase while theswitch is being pressed. Press the "-" side to decrease the volume.The volume continues to decrease whilethe switch is being pressed." " switchwRadioTo select a preset station/channel : Quicklypress and release the "" or "" switch. Re-peat this to select the next preset station/channel.To seek a station/channel: Press and holdthe "" or "" switch until a beep is heard.Repeat this to find the next station/channel.If either switch is pressed during seek mode,seeking will be canceled. To seek up or down the frequency, pressand hold the switch until a beep is heard.When you release the switch, the radio willbegin seeking up or down for a station/channel. Repeat to find the next station/channel.wDVD player Use the "" or "" switch to skip up ordown to a different track, file or chapter ineither direction.To select a desired track, file or chapter :Quickly press and release the "" or ""switch until the desired track, file or chapterto play is selected. To return to the begin-ning of the current track, file or chapter,press the "" switch once quickly.To select a desired folder: Press and holdthe "" or "" switch until a beep is heard tochange to the next or the previous folder.Repeat it until the desired folder is selected.Some parts of the audio/video systemcan be adjusted using the switches onthe steering wheel.No. SwitchVolume control switch"" switch"MODE" switch
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