CTの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全79ページ 6.28MB]
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2181. AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM OPERATIONCT200h_Navi_OM76077U_(U)12.07.12 09:451 Tune in the desired station.2 Select one of the left side screen buttons(1-6) and hold it until a beep is heard.This sets the frequency to the screenbutton. The station's frequency will bedisplayed in the screen button. To change the preset station to a differentone, follow the same procedure.Preset tuning: Select one of the mix presetchannels on the left side of the screen orpress the "" or "" button of"PRST.TRACK" to select the desired sta-tion. The screen button is highlighted andthe station frequency appears on thescreen.Seek tuning: Press and hold the "" or ""button of "PRST.TRACK". The radio willbegin seeking up or down for a station of thenearest frequency and will stop when a sta-tion is found. Each time the button ispressed, the stations will be searched auto-matically one after another.To scan all the frequencies : Select"SCAN". "SCAN" will appear on thescreen. The radio will find the next stationand stay there for 10 seconds if "All" or "HDOnly" is selected, or 5 seconds if "Analog"is selected, and then scan again. To staytuned to a station and stop the scanning, se-lect "SCAN" again. (To set HDRadioTMsystem, see page 287.)PRESETTING A STATIONRadio mode has a mix preset function,which can store up to 36 stations (6 sta-tions per page x 6 pages) from any of theAM, FM or SAT bands.SELECTING A STATIONTune in the desired station using one ofthe following methods.
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