CTの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全79ページ 6.28MB]
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79page / 6.28MB
2101. AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM OPERATIONCT200h_Navi_OM76077U_(U)12.07.12 09:452. SOME BASICSThis section describes some of the basicfeatures of the audio/video system.Some information may not pertain toyour system.Your audio/video system works whenthe "POWER" switch is turned to AC-CESSORY or ON mode.NOTICE●To prevent the 12-volt battery from beingdischarged, do not leave the audio/videosystem on longer than necessary whenthe hybrid system is not operating.VOICE COMMAND SYSTEMPress this switch to operate the voicecommand system. For the operation of the voice commandsystem and its list of commands, seepages 306 and 315.AUDIO SPLIT SCREEN DISPLAYThe audio split screen can be displayedwhile the map screen is displayed. Fordetails, see page 47.
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