CTの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全79ページ 6.28MB]
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2191. AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM OPERATION5AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEMCT200h_Navi_OM76077U_(U)12.07.12 09:451 Select "Options".2 Select "TYPE " or "TYPE" to moveforward and backward through the pro-gram list. Once a program type has been set, "TYPESEEK" will appear on the screen. The program list is in the following order:* Classical*Country* EasyLis (Easy Listening)* Inform (Information)*Jazz*News* Oldies*Other*Pop Music* Religion*Rock*R&B (Rhythm and Blues)*Sports*Talk* Traffic (Not available when "HDRadioSettings" are set to analog.)* Alert (Emergency Alert)3 Select "TYPE SEEK" and the systemwill start to seek for stations in the rele-vant program type.RADIO BROADCAST DATA SYSTEMThis audio system is equipped with Ra-dio Broadcast Data Systems (RBDS).RBDS mode allows text messages to bereceived from radio stations that utilizeRBDS transmitters.When RBDS is on, the radio can-only select stations of a particular pro-gram type,-display messages from radio stations,-search for a stronger signal station.RBDS features are available only whenlistening to an FM station that broad-casts RBDS information and the "FM in-fo" indicator is on.SELECTING A DESIRED TYPEINFORMATION●If no relevant program can be found, "notype" will appear on the screen.
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