CTの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全79ページ 6.28MB]
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79page / 6.28MB
2671. AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM OPERATION5AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEMCT200h_Navi_OM76077U_(U)12.07.12 09:45 The portable player will be automaticallyconnected under the following conditions: * The "POWER" switch is in eitherACCESSORY or ON mode.*When "Bluetooth* Power" is switchedfrom off to on. * When the portable player is discon-nected for some reason. *: Bluetooth is a registered trademark ofBluetooth SIG, Inc.1 Select "Connect".2 Select the desired portable player.3 When the connection is completed, thisscreen is displayed. It is now possible touse the portable player.CONNECTING A Bluetooth(R) AUDIO PLAYERTo use the Bluetooth(R) audio system, it isnecessary to register a portable playerwith the system. Once the portable play-er has been registered, it is possible tolisten to the music.Once the portable player has been reg-istered, it is possible to listen to musicthrough the navigation system. (See"REGISTERING A Bluetooth(R) DE-VICE" on page 196.)INFORMATION●For operating the portable player, see theinstruction manual that comes with it.WHEN "Bluetooth* Power" IS ONWHEN "Bluetooth* Power" IS OFFManually connect the portable player inaccordance with the following proce-dure.
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