CTの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全79ページ 6.28MB]
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2211. AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM OPERATIONCT200h_Navi_OM76077U_(U)12.07.12 09:455AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM4. HD RadioTM TECHNOLOGY INFORMATION1 Press the "RADIO" button.2 Select the "AM" or "FM" tab or pressthe "RADIO" button repeatedly to se-lect the desired tab. For the Remote Touch operation method,see "SWITCHING BETWEEN FUNC-TIONS" on page 211. As a user works through the analog radiostations, (where applicable) the radioreceiver will automatically tune from ananalog signal to a digital signal within 5 sec-onds. An orange "HD)" logo indicator will be dis-played on the screen when in digital. The"HD)" logo will first appear in a gray colorindicating the station is indeed (an analogand) a digital station. Once the digital sig-nal is acquired, the logo will change to abright orange color. The song title, artist name and music genrewill appear on the screen when available bythe radio station.3 This screen will be displayed if "Op-tions" is selected. When "Text" is selected, information suchas the artist name, song title, album title andmusic genre of the track being listened toare displayed on the text screen. To displaymessages from the station, select "Addi-tional Information". When "TYPE " or "TYPE" is selected,a program type will be searched. Once aprogram type has been set, "TYPE SEEK"will appear on the screen. (See "SELECT-ING A DESIRED TYPE" on page 219.)HDRadioTM Technology is the digitalevolution of analog AM/FM radio. Yourradio product has a special receiverwhich allows it to receive digital broad-casts (where available) in addition to theanalog broadcasts it already receives.Digital broadcasts have better soundquality than analog broadcasts as digitalbroadcasts provide free, crystal clearaudio with no static or distortion. Formore information, and a guide to avail-able radio stations and programming,refer to www.hdradio.com.USING HDRadioTM TECHNOLOGY
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