CTの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全79ページ 6.28MB]
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2621. AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM OPERATIONCT200h_Navi_OM76077U_(U)12.07.12 09:45■FAST FORWARDING OR RE-WINDING1 Press and hold the "" or "" button of"PRST.TRACK" to fast forward or re-wind the player. When the button is released, the playerresumes playing from that position.1 Select "RPT" while the track is playing. "RPT" appears on the screen. When thetrack is finished, the player will automati-cally play it again. To cancel this function,select "RPT" again.■PLAYING TRACKS IN RANDOMORDER1 Select "RAND" while the track is play-ing. Each time "RAND" is selected, the modechanges as follows:*Track Shuffle → Album Shuffle → Off Once "RAND" appears on the screen, thesystem selects a track randomly from all ofthe existing albums on the iPod. To cancelthis function, select "RAND" twice.■PLAYING ALBUMS IN RANDOMORDER1 Select "RAND" repeatedly until"ALB.RAND" appears on the screen. Once "ALB.RAND" appears on the screen,the system selects an album randomly fromall of the existing albums on the iPod. Tocancel this function, select "RAND" again.REPEATINGThe track currently being listened to canbe repeated.RANDOM ORDERTracks or albums can be automaticallyand randomly selected.
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