CTの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全79ページ 6.28MB]
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2161. AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM OPERATIONCT200h_Navi_OM76077U_(U)12.07.12 09:451 Press the "MEDIA" button to display themedia control screen and select the"AUX" tab or press the "MEDIA" buttonrepeatedly to change to AUX mode. For the Remote Touch operation method,see "SWITCHING BETWEEN FUNC-TIONS" on page 211.1 Press the "MEDIA" button to display themedia control screen and select the"USB" or "iPod" tab or press the "ME-DIA" button repeatedly to change toUSB memory/iPod mode. For the Remote Touch operation method,see "SWITCHING BETWEEN FUNC-TIONS" on page 211.AUX PORTThe sound of portable audio playersconnected to the AUX port can be en-joyed. For details, refer to "Owner'sManual".CAUTION●Do not connect portable audio device oroperate the controls.NOTICE●Depending on the size and shape of theportable audio device that is connectedto the system, the lid may not close fully. Inthis case, do not forcibly close the lid asthis may damage the portable audiodevice or the terminal, etc.●Do not leave portable audio device in thevehicle. The temperature inside the vehi-cle may become high, resulting in dam-age to the player.●Do not push down on or apply unneces-sary pressure to the portable audiodevice while it is connected as this maydamage the portable audio device or itsterminal.●Do not insert foreign objects into the portas this may damage the portable audiodevice or its terminal.INFORMATION●When the portable audio player is notconnected to the AUX port, the tab willbe dimmed.USB PORTA USB memory/iPod can be connectedto the USB port. For details, see "CON-NECTING A USB MEMORY" on page253 and "CONNECTING iPod" onpage 259. INFORMATION●When a USB memory/iPod is not con-nected with the USB port, the tab will bedimmed.
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