X3の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全262ページ 11.20MB]
gizport - 2013-09-06 - 11.20MB
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262page / 11.20MB
Air volume, air distribution, and temperature arecontrolled automatically.Depending on the selected temperature andoutside influences, the air is directed to thewindshield, side windows, upper body, and intothe footwell.The cooling function, refer to page 102 , isswitched on automatically with the AUTO pro‐gram.Recirculated-air modeYou can respond to unpleasant odors or pollu‐tants in the immediate environment by tempo‐rarily suspending the supply of outside air. Thesystem then recirculates the air currently withinthe vehicle.Press the button repeatedly to selectan operating mode:▷LED off: outside air flows in continuously.▷LED on, recirculated-air mode: the supply ofoutside air into the vehicle is permanentlyblocked.If the windows fog over, switch off recircu‐lated-air mode and increase the air volume,if necessary.Continuous recirculated-air modeThe recirculated-air mode should not beused for an extended period of time, as the airquality inside the vehicle deteriorates steadily. ◀TemperatureTurn the wheel to set the desiredtemperature.The automatic climate control achieves thistemperature as quickly as possible, if necessarywith the maximum cooling or heating capacity,and then keeps it constant.Avoid rapidly switching between different tem‐perature settings. The automatic climate controlwill not have sufficient time to adjust the settemperature.Defrosting windows and removingcondensationPress the button.Ice and condensation are quickly re‐moved from the windshield and the front sidewindows.The air volume can be adjusted when the pro‐gram is active.If the windows fog over, also switch on the cool‐ing function.Cooling functionThe passenger compartment can only becooled with the engine running.Press the button.The air is cooled and dehumidified and– depending on the temperature setting –warmed again.Depending on the weather, the windshield mayfog up briefly when the engine is started.The cooling function is switched on automati‐cally with the AUTO program.When using the automatic climate control, con‐densation water, refer to page 122 , developsthat exits underneath the vehicle.Rear window defrosterPress the button.The rear window defroster switches offautomatically after a certain period of time.Switching the system on/offSwitching offTurn the rotary switch for the air volume, refer topage 101 , to 0. The blower and automatic cli‐mate control are switched off entirely.Switching onSet any air volume.The AUTO program can also be switched on di‐rectly via the AUTO button.Seite 102102Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 606 190 - 12 10 500Climate control
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