X3の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全262ページ 11.20MB]
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Driving stability control systemsAntilock Brake System ABSABS prevents locking of the wheels during brak‐ing.The vehicle remains steerable even during fullbrake applications, thus increasing activesafety.ABS is operational every time you start the en‐gine.Brake assistantWhen you apply the brakes rapidly, this systemautomatically produces the maximum brakingforce boost. It thus helps to achieve the shortestpossible braking distance during full braking.This system utilizes all of the benefits providedby ABS.Do not reduce the pressure on the brake pedalfor the duration of the full braking.DSC Dynamic StabilityControlThe conceptDSC prevents traction loss in the driving wheelswhen driving away and accelerating.DSC also recognizes unstable vehicle condi‐tions, such as fishtailing or nose-diving. Subjectto physical limits, DSC helps to keep the vehicleon a steady course by reducing engine speedand by applying brakes at individual wheels.Adjust your driving style to the situationAn appropriate driving style is always theresponsibility of the driver.The laws of physics cannot be repealed, evenwith DSC.Therefore, do not reduce the additional safetymargin by driving in a risky manner.◀Indicator/warning lampsThe indicator lamp flashes: DSC con‐trols the drive forces and brake forces.The indicator lamp lights up: DSC hasfailed.Deactivating DSC: DSC OFFWhen DSC is deactivated, driving stability is re‐duced during acceleration and when driving inbends.To increase vehicle stability, activate DSC againas soon as possible.Deactivating DSCPress and hold the button, but not lon‐ger than approx. 10 seconds, until theindicator lamp for DSC lights up in the instru‐ment cluster and DSC OFF is displayed.The DSC system is switched off.Activating DSCPress the button.DSC OFF and the DSC indicator lampgo out.Indicator/warning lampsWhen DSC is deactivated, DSC OFF is dis‐played in the instrument cluster.The indicator lamp lights up: DSC is de‐activated.DTC Dynamic TractionControlThe conceptThe DTC system is a version of the DSC in whichforward momentum is optimized.Seite 8686Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 606 190 - 12 10 500Driving stability control systems
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