X3の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全262ページ 11.20MB]
gizport - 2013-09-06 - 11.20MB
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It also varies the steering force required to turnthe wheels in accordance with the vehiclespeed.This results in a sporty steering response. In ad‐dition, it becomes easier to steer during parkingand maneuvering.Dynamic Driving Control*The conceptDynamic Driving Control can be used to adjustthe driving dynamics of the vehicle. Several pro‐grams are available for this purpose; they can beactivated using the two Dynamic Driving Controlbuttons.Operating the programsPress the button ProgramDSC OFFTRACTIONSPORT+SPORTNORMALAutomatic program changeThe system automatically switches to NORMALin the following situations:▷Failure of Dynamic Damping Control*.▷The vehicle has a flat tire.DSC OFFWhen DSC OFF, refer to page 86, is active, driv‐ing stability is limited during acceleration andwhen driving in bends.TRACTIONWhen TRACTION is active, the vehicle has max‐imum traction on loose road surfaces. DTC Dy‐namic Traction Control, refer to page 87, is ac‐tivated. Driving stability is limited duringacceleration and when driving in bends.SPORT+Sporty driving with optimized chassis and sus‐pension during limited driving stabilization.Dynamic Traction Control is switched on.The driver handles several of the stabilizationtasks.Activating SPORT+Press the button repeatedly untilSPORT+ appears in the instrumentcluster and the DSC indicator lamp lights up.Indicator/warning lampsSPORT+ is displayed in the instrument cluster.The indicator lamp lights up: DTC Dy‐namic Traction Control is activated.SPORTConsistently sporty tuning of the suspension forgreater driving agility with maximum driving sta‐bilization.The program can be configured to individualspecifications.The configuration is stored for the remote con‐trol currently in use.Activating SPORTPress the button. SPORT+ is displayedin the instrument cluster.Configuring SPORTWhen the display is activated on the ControlDisplay, refer to page 90, the sport programcan be set to individual specifications.After the sport program is activated, select"Configure SPORT mode" on the displayedpanel and configure the program.Optionally, the sport program can be configuredbefore it is activated:1."Settings"Seite 8989Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 606 190 - 12 10 500 ReferenceMobilityCommunicationEntertainmentNavigationDriving tipsControlsAt a glance
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