X3の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全262ページ 11.20MB]
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System limitsSudden tire damageSudden serious tire damage caused byexternal influences cannot be indicated in ad‐vance.◀The system does not operate correctly if it hasnot been reset. For example, a flat tire may beindicated despite correct tire inflation pres‐sures.The system is inactive and cannot indicate a flattire:▷For a mounted wheel without TPM electron‐ics.▷When the TPM is disturbed by other sys‐tems or devices with the same radio fre‐quency.Status displayThe current status of the Tire Pressure MonitorTPM can be displayed on the Control Display,e.g., whether or not the TPM is active.1. "Vehicle Info"2. "Vehicle status"3. "Tire Pressure Monitor - TPM"The status is displayed.Resetting the systemReset the system after each correction of thetire inflation pressure and after every tire orwheel change.1. "Vehicle Info"2."Vehicle status"3. "Reset TPM"4.Start the engine - do not drive away.5.Reset the tire pressure using "Reset".6. Drive away.The tires are shown in gray and "ResettingTPM..." is displayed.After driving for a few minutes, the set tire infla‐tion pressures are applied as set values. The re‐setting process is completed automatically dur‐ing driving. The tires are shown in green and"TPM active" is shown on the Control Display.The trip can be interrupted at any time. If youdrive away again, the process resumes auto‐matically.If a flat tire is detected during a reset, all tires aredisplayed in yellow.Low tire pressure messageThe yellow warning lamp lights up. ACheck Control message is displayed.▷There is a flat tire or a major loss intire inflation pressure.▷The system was not reset after a wheelchange and thus warns based on the infla‐tion pressures initialized last.1. Reduce your speed and stop cautiously.Avoid sudden braking and steering maneu‐vers.2. Check whether the vehicle is fitted with reg‐ular tires* or run-flat tires*.Run-flat tires, refer to page 213 , are labeledwith a circular symbol containing the lettersRSC marked on the tire sidewall.When a low inflation pressure is indicated, DSCDynamic Stability Control is switched on if nec‐essary.Actions in the event of a flat tireNormal tires*1. Identify the damaged tire.Do this by checking the air pressure in allfour tires.If the tire inflation pressure in all four tires iscorrect, the Tire Pressure Monitor may nothave been initialized. In this case, initializethe system.If an identification is not possible, pleasecontact the service center.2. Rectify the flat tire on the damaged wheel.Use of tire sealant, e.g., the Mobility System,may damage the TPM wheel electronics. Inthis case, have the electronics checked atSeite 8383Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 606 190 - 12 10 500 ReferenceMobilityCommunicationEntertainmentNavigationDriving tipsControlsAt a glance
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