X3の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全262ページ 11.20MB]
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Indicator lamp on the interior rearviewmirror▷The indicator lamp flashes briefly every2 seconds:The system is armed.▷The indicator lamp flashes after locking:The doors, hood or tailgate is not closedproperly, but the rest of the vehicle is se‐cured.After 10 seconds, the indicator lamp flashescontinuously. The interior motion sensor isnot active.▷The indicator lamp goes out after unlocking:The vehicle has not been tampered with.▷The indicator lamp flashes after unlockinguntil the engine is started, but no longer thanapprox. 5 minutes:An alarm has been triggered.Tilt alarm sensorThe tilt of the vehicle is monitored.The alarm system responds in situations suchas attempts to steal a wheel or tow the car.Interior motion sensorThe windows and glass sunroof must be closedfor the system to function properly.Avoiding unintentional alarmsThe tilt alarm sensor and interior motion sensorcan be switched off together, such as in the fol‐lowing situations:▷In automatic car washes▷In duplex garages.▷During transport on car-carrying trains, atsea or on a trailer.▷When animals are to remain in the vehicle.Switching off the tilt alarm sensor andinterior motion sensorPress the button on the remote controltwice in succession.The indicator lamp lights up for approx. 2 sec‐onds and then flashes continuously.The tilt alarm sensor and interior motion sensorare switched off until the vehicle is locked again.Power windowsGeneral informationTake the remote control with youTake the remote control with you whenleaving the vehicle so that children, for example,cannot operate the power windows and injurethemselves.◀Opening▷ Press the switch to the resistancepoint.The window opens while the switch is held.▷ Press the switch beyond the resist‐ance point.The window opens automatically.Pressing again stops the motion.ClosingDanger of pinchingMonitor the closing process and makesure that the closing path of the window is clear;otherwise, injuries may result.◀▷ Pull the switch to the resistance point.The window closes while the switch is held.Seite 4343Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 606 190 - 12 10 500 ReferenceMobilityCommunicationEntertainmentNavigationDriving tipsControlsAt a glance
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