X3の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全262ページ 11.20MB]
gizport - 2013-09-06 - 11.20MB
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262page / 11.20MB
The vehicle is locked completely.Automatic trunk lid operation*Adjusting the opening heightYou can set how far the tailgate should open.Adjusting the opening heightWhen adjusting the opening height, en‐sure that there is a clearance of at least 4 in/10 cm above the tailgate. Otherwise, the ceilingmay not be high enough for the open tailgate ifthe load situation changes.◀1. "Settings"2. "Tailgate"3. Turn the controller until the desired openingheight is selected.OpeningThe tailgate opens fully.▷Press the button on the exterior of the tail‐gate.▷ Press the button on the remotecontrol or in the driver's footwell.Pressing the button again stops the motion.The opening process is interrupted as well:▷When the vehicle starts moving.▷By pressing the button in the driver's foot‐well.▷By pressing the button on the inside of thetailgate.Closing▷Press the button on the inside of the tailgate.The tailgate closes automatically.Pressing again stops the motion.With Comfort Access:▷Press the button, arrow 1, on the inside ofthe tailgate.The tailgate closes automatically.Pressing again stops the motion.▷Press the button, arrow 2.Tailgate closes automatically and the vehi‐cle is locked.▷Press the button on the exterior of the tail‐gate.Pressing again stops the motion.Seite 4040Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 606 190 - 12 10 500Opening and closing
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