X3の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全262ページ 11.20MB]
gizport - 2013-09-06 - 11.20MB
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262page / 11.20MB
Leaving the vehicle with the engine run‐ningBefore leaving the vehicle with the engine run‐ning, engage position P of the automatic trans‐mission and ensure that the parking brake is set.Otherwise, the vehicle may begin to roll.◀ActivatingThis function can be activated when the driver'sdoor is closed and the safety belt is fastened, orwhile driving.Press the button.The LED and the letters AUTO H lightup.The indicator lamp lights up.Automatic Hold is activated.DeactivatingPress the button again.The LED and the letters AUTO H goout.Automatic Hold is deactivated.If the vehicle is being held by Automatic Hold,press on the brake pedal to deactivate it.When the parking brake, refer to page 59, is setmanually, Automatic Hold is deactivated auto‐matically.DrivingAutomatic Hold is activated: the vehicle is auto‐matically secured against rolling when it stops.The indicator lamp lights up in green.Step on the accelerator pedal to driveoff.The brake is released automatically.The indicator lamp goes out.Lower lamp: indicator lamp in Canadian modelsBefore driving into a car washDeactivate Automatic Hold; otherwise, theparking brake will be set when the vehicle is sta‐tionary and the vehicle will no longer be able toroll.◀ParkingThe parking brake is automatically set if the en‐gine is switched off while the vehicle is beingheld by Automatic Hold.The indicator lamp changes from greento red.The parking brake is not set if the engineis switched off while the vehicle is coast‐ing to a halt. Automatic Hold is deacti‐vated.Take the remote control with youTake the remote control with you whenleaving the vehicle so that children, for example,cannot release the parking brake.◀MalfunctionIn the event of a failure or malfunction of theparking brake, secure the vehicle against rollingusing a wheel chock, for example, when leavingit.Turn signal, high beams,headlamp flasherTurn signalUsing turn signalsPress the lever beyond the resistance point.To switch off manually, press the lever to the re‐sistance point.Unusually rapid flashing of the indicator lamp in‐dicates that a turn signal bulb has failed.Seite 6161Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 606 190 - 12 10 500 ReferenceMobilityCommunicationEntertainmentNavigationDriving tipsControlsAt a glance
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