X3の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全262ページ 11.20MB]
gizport - 2013-09-06 - 11.20MB
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262page / 11.20MB
ComputerCalling up information on the infodisplayPress the computer button on the turn signallever.Information is displayed on the info display of theinstrument cluster.Information at a glanceInfo displayRepeatedly pressing the buttonon the turn signal lever succes‐sively calls up different pieces ofinformation on the Info Display.▷Range.▷Average fuel consumption.▷Average speed.▷Date.▷Time.▷Time of arrival*When destination guidance is activated inthe navigation system.▷Distance to destination*When destination guidance is activated inthe navigation system.▷Arrow view of navigation system*When destination guidance is activated inthe navigation system.Adjusting the info displayYou can select what information from the com‐puter is to be displayed on the info display of theinstrument cluster.1."Settings"2. "Info display"3. Select the desired displays.Information in detailRangeDisplays the estimated cruising range availablewith the remaining fuel.It is calculated based on your driving style overthe last 20 miles/30 km.Average fuel consumptionThis is calculated for the period during which theengine is running.Average speedPeriods in which the vehicle is parked with theengine stopped do not enter into the calculation.Resetting average valuesPress and hold the computer button on the turnsignal lever.Distance to destination*The distance remaining to the destination is dis‐played if a destination is entered in the naviga‐tion system* before the trip is started.The distance to the destination is adopted au‐tomatically.Seite 7070Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 606 190 - 12 10 500Displays
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