X3の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全262ページ 11.20MB]
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262page / 11.20MB
Backrest width*Before installing a child restraint fixing system inthe front passenger seat, open the backrestwidth completely. Do not change the backrestwidth again and do not call up a memory posi‐tion.Backrest width for the child seatBefore installing a child restraint fixingsystem in the front passenger seat, the backrestwidth must be opened completely. Do notchange the adjustment after this; otherwise, thestability of the child seat will be reduced.◀Child seat securityThe rear safety belts and the front passengersafety belt can be locked against pulling out formounting the child restraint fixing systems.Locking the safety belt1. Pull out the belt webbing completely.2.Secure the child restraint fixing system withthe belt.3.Allow the belt webbing to be pulled in andpull it taut against the child restraint fixingsystem. The safety belt is locked.Unlocking the safety belt1. Unbuckle the belt buckle.2. Remove the child restraint fixing system.3. Allow the belt webbing to be pulled in com‐pletely.LATCH child restraint fixingsystemLATCH: Lower Anchors and Tether for CHil‐dren.NoteManufacturer's information for LATCHchild restraint fixing systemsTo mount and use the LATCH child restraint fix‐ing systems, observe the operating and safetyinformation from the system manufacturer; oth‐erwise, the level of protection may be reduced. ◀Mounts for the lower LATCH anchorsCorrectly engage the lower LATCH an‐chorsMake sure that the lower LATCH anchors haveproperly engaged and that the child restraint fix‐ing system is resting snugly against the back‐rest; otherwise, the degree of protection offeredmay be reduced.◀Before mounting the LATCH child restraint fix‐ing system, pull the belt away from the child re‐straint fixing system.Mounts for the lower LATCH anchors are lo‐cated in the gap between the seat and backrest.Mounting LATCH child restraint fixingsystems1.Mount the child restraint fixing system; referto the operating instructions of the system.2. Ensure that both LATCH anchors are prop‐erly connected.Seite 5656Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 606 190 - 12 10 500Transporting children safely
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