X3の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全262ページ 11.20MB]
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Opening and closing: from theoutsideUsing the remote controlGeneral informationTake the remote control with youPeople or animals left unattended in aparked vehicle can lock the doors from the in‐side. Always take the remote control with youwhen leaving the vehicle so that the vehicle canthen be opened from the outside.◀UnlockingPress the button.The vehicle is unlocked.You can set how the vehicle is to be unlocked.The setting is stored for the remote control cur‐rently in use.1. "Settings"2. "Door locks"3. "Unlock button:"4.Select the desired function:▷"Driver's door only"Only the driver's door and the fuel fillerflap are unlocked. Pressing again un‐locks the entire vehicle.▷"All doors"The entire vehicle is unlocked.Convenient openingThe remote control can be used to simultane‐ously open the windows and the glass sunroof *.Press and hold the button on the re‐mote control.The windows and the glass sunroof* open.Releasing the button stops the motion.LockingPress the button on the remote control.Do not lock from the outsideDo not lock the vehicle from the outside ifthere are people in it, as the vehicle cannot beunlocked from inside without special knowl‐edge.◀Switching on the interior lamps,courtesy lamps*, and welcome lampsPress the button on the remote controlwith the vehicle locked.Panic mode*You can trigger the alarm system if you findyourself in a dangerous situation.Press the button on the remote controlfor at least 3 seconds.To switch off the alarm: press any button.Switching on the headlamp courtesydelay featureBriefly press the button on the remotecontrol.The duration can be set.Opening the tailgatePress the button on the remote controlfor approx. 1 second and release.The tailgate opens, regardless of whether it waspreviously locked or unlocked.The tailgate pivots back and up when it opens.Ensure that adequate clearance is available be‐fore opening.Seite 3636Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 606 190 - 12 10 500Opening and closing
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