X3の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全262ページ 11.20MB]
gizport - 2013-09-06 - 11.20MB
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262page / 11.20MB
3. Open "Options".4. "Rename current profile"Resetting profilesThe settings of the active profile are reset totheir default values.1. "Settings"2. "Profiles"The current profile is selected.3. Open "Options".4. "Reset current profile"Importing profilesExisting settings and contacts are overwrittenwith the imported profile.1. "Settings"2."Profiles"3."Import profile"4. USB interface*, refer to page 114 : "USBdevice"Exporting profilesMost settings of the active profile and the savedcontacts can be exported.This can be useful for storing and opening per‐sonal settings, for instance if settings are acci‐dentally changed or deleted.1. "Settings"2."Profiles"3. "Export profile"4. USB interface*, refer to page 114 : "USBdevice"Using the guest profileThe guest profile can be used to make individualsettings without affecting the three PersonalProfiles.This can be useful for drivers who are using thevehicle temporarily and do not have their ownprofile.1. "Settings"2. "Profiles"3. The current profile is selected.4. Open "Guest".5. Create the settings.Note: the guest profile cannot be renamed.Display profile list during startThe profile list can be displayed during eachstart for selecting the desired profile.1. "Settings"2."Profiles"3.Open "Options".4."Display user list at startup"Personal Profile settingsThe following functions and settings can bestored in a profile.More information on the settings can be foundunder:▷Exterior mirror position*, refer to page 53.▷CD/Multimedia*, refer to page 155 : the au‐dio source listened to last.▷Dynamic Driving Control*, refer topage 89: sport program.Seite 3434Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 606 190 - 12 10 500Opening and closing
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